Sobrevivientes supports the victims and their families in femicide cases, providing social and legal services, holistic health care, and counseling. They also accompany witnesses to court and provide safe shelter when needed.
A generous organization in Sweden gave Sobrevivientes money to purchase a new home/headquarters just around the corner from their old home. Unfortunately, they are involved with some high-profile cases and there are people threatening them and telling them to stop their work.

All the intense human rights work is satisfying but exhausting, and it's important to unwind sometimes. We went to Antigua Guatemala, the old capital, which is surrounded by scenic volcanos.

Colonial architecture gives the visitor to Antigua a sense of traveling back in time.

Markets in the city have hand made fabrics available for purchase. This display was in Guatemala City in the market downtown, but all the major cities have areas where hand crafts can be found.
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